Walmart Shopper Belts Papa Roach’s ‘Last Resort’ In Store
The opening lines to Papa Roach's "Last Resort" are among the most memorable in modern rock and one Walmart shopper and TikTok user took to the store's floor to belt out part of the song.
In some states, occupying public spaces is once again a leisurely, time-killing activity despite the threat of an ongoing global pandemic. This is at least true for Donzell Taggart, who has been making the rounds in Texas, "touring" various Walmart shopping centers while filming video stunts on TikTok.
In the clip below, Taggart wields a broom in the middle of an isle while crying out, "Cut my life into pieces / This is my last resort." A bit of the song recording is spliced in as he continues, "Suffocation, no breathing / Don't even care if I cut my arm bleeding." A manic scream caps the prankster's video as he wildly whirls his head around while onlookers stand there in confusion.
"Last Resort," the mash hit that thrust Papa Roach into the limelight, was released on the Infest album in 2000. As a nod to the record's 20th anniversary, the band has been working on a documentary which will feature two decades of footage, though no timetable for a release has been revealed at this time.
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