Metal heavyweights Five Finger Death Punch bring a cinematic narrative to their latest video for the uncharacteristically heartfelt single 'Remember Everything.'

The days of big-budget music videos that play like short films may be behind us, but Five Finger Death Punch have decided to revive the lost art of storytelling in their latest clip for 'Remember Everything.' "We're tired of band videos where all you see is musicians playing in some random church or out in a desert," frontman Ivan Moody explained to USA Today. "We thought this song deserved something with more taste and passion to it."

The band's latest single trades the aggressive drive of past singles like 'Under and Over It,' to deliver a deeper autobiographical message about emotional neglect. "There were patterns in my family that had to be broken, and I refused to live my life the way certain members of my family had" said Moody of the lyrical inspiration behind the tune.

The heavy message is put on full display in the video that shows how emotional abuse manifests from childhood to adulthood. When the lyrics are paired with the imagery in the video, it adds a heart-breaking new angle to the experience. Although there are no instruments featured in the video, all the band members do make brief cameos throughout.

'Remember Everything' can be found on the band's third album, 'American Capitalist,' which has already sold over 300,000 copies since it's fall 2011 release. Five Finger Death Punch will embark on a 2012 North American tour with Soulfly, Windowpane and Persist this March.

Watch the Five Finger Death Punch 'Remember Everything' Video [via USA Today]

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