Children of Bodom

Children of Bodom vs. Caliban - Death Match
Children of Bodom vs. Caliban - Death Match
Children of Bodom vs. Caliban - Death Match
Children of Bodom claimed a Death Match victory in our most recent battle, pitting the Finnish metal masters against the Faceless. Bodom's 'Scream for Silence' moves on to its second step on the way to our Death Match Hall of Fame, which is also featured on our official YouTube channel. Children of Bodom and their Hate Crew have built up some momentum, but they've got stiff competition from German
The Faceless vs. Children of Bodom - Death Match
The Faceless vs. Children of Bodom - Death Match
The Faceless vs. Children of Bodom - Death Match
Just as we thought Behemoth were a shoe-in for a Death Match Hall of Fame induction, the Faceless ended the Polish extreme metal band's run. This marks the first Death Match win for the Faceless' 'Accelerated Evolution,' and with three more victories, the song will be declared immortal both on and our official YouTube channel. However, one of metal's most prolific modern bands will pr
Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho Talks 2014 Tour + More
Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho Talks 2014 Tour + More
Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho Talks 2014 Tour + More
Children of Bodom frontman Alexi Laiho was the guest on Full Metal Jackie’s radio show this past weekend. Laiho spoke about the band's 'Halo of Blood Over North America' tour, his recent work with Marty Friedman and Megadeth's influence on his band and more. If you missed Jackie’s show, here’s her full interview with Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho.
Kid Shreds Multiple Children of Bodom Songs - Best of YouTube
Kid Shreds Multiple Children of Bodom Songs - Best of YouTube
Kid Shreds Multiple Children of Bodom Songs - Best of YouTube
There aren't a lot of kids who are 11 years old and have a stage name, but Thaddie V has the name and the skills. Children of Bodom frontman Alexi Laiho is regarded as one of the best and fastest guitarists in the world, so playing his band's songs at any age is no easy feat.
11-Year-Old Nails Children of Bodom Song on Guitar
11-Year-Old Nails Children of Bodom Song on Guitar
11-Year-Old Nails Children of Bodom Song on Guitar
What were you doing when you were 11 years old? Maybe you had just started taking guitar lessons and played the riff to 'Smoke on the Water' for your family at the last holiday party. You're lucky this kid isn't your cousin because you'd never pick that guitar up again...

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