
10 Best Thrash Bands of All Time
10 Best Thrash Bands of All Time
10 Best Thrash Bands of All Time
For all intents and purposes, thrash metal is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2013. Yes, as nebulous as rock 'n' roll history can be when it comes to dating broad-ranging musical developments, we can confidently point to 1983 as the year when sporadic 'speed metal' displays coalesced into the true definition of thrash metal. Unt...
Chelsea Grin vs. Kreator – Death Match
Chelsea Grin vs. Kreator – Death Match
Chelsea Grin vs. Kreator – Death Match
In a vicious battle between Arch Enemy and Chelsea Grin, superfans of both metal acts united to support their heroes. However, after it was all said and done, only one band could walk away from the Death Match in-tact -- that band was Chelsea Grin. The Salt Lake City deathcore outfit have scraped up their first Death Match win, but they've got a legendary opponent ahead of them.