11 Rock + Metal Musicians Who Became Actual Real Estate Agents11 Rock + Metal Musicians Who Became Actual Real Estate AgentsMembers of Hatebreed, Senses Fail and others talk about mixing the worlds of music and real estate.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Can You Guess the '80s Hair Metal Video From the Screenshots?Can You Guess the '80s Hair Metal Video From the Screenshots?Back to an era of big hair and even bigger video hits. How well do you remember the '80s hair metal videos playing on MTV?Chad ChildersChad Childers
The Most Played Song Live by 20 Big Hair Metal BandsThe Most Played Song Live by 20 Big Hair Metal BandsWho has the most played hair metal song and which hair metal acts live stats may surprise you? Find out.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Vixen Vocalist Janet Gardner Undergoes Emergency Surgery Vixen Vocalist Janet Gardner Undergoes Emergency Surgery A day after performing a solo show in West Hollywood, Vixen vocalist Janet Gardner underwent emergency surgery to deal with a subdural hematoma.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Vixen Guitarist Jan Kuehnemund Dies at 51Vixen Guitarist Jan Kuehnemund Dies at 51Very sad news to report, as founding Vixen guitarist Jan Kuehnemund passed away from cancer at the age of 51 on Thursday, Oct. 10.Mary OuelletteMary Ouellette