Jim Breuer Rants on Danzig, Goats + Donald Trump
When Jim Breuer swung by our studio to discuss his debut metal record, Songs From the Garage, we knew we had to do something to bring out his brilliant comedy. So, we dipped into our trusty bag o' tricks, tossed a few topics into the empty cranial cavity of our beloved skull and asked Breuer to rant about whatever topic he pulled out. The three he ended up picking were "Glenn Danzig and the Misfits Reunion," "Bands With 'Goat' in Their Name" and "Donald Trump."
Beginning with the Danzig and Misfits topic, Breuer entered storytelling mode, recalling a time where he recorded a song, spoofing on different rock and metal singers along the way, including Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson and, of course, Glenn Danzig. The Misfits icon is known somewhat for a warped sense of humor as well as being rather confrontational. In fact, he's so confrontational, he had to move out of New York after getting into too many physical altercations, to which Breuer commented, "Who's 50 and fights!?" Breuer was worried he pissed off Danzig, leading to one of the most hilarious tales that the flies on the walls of our studio have been telling their friends ever since.
Up next was the topic of "Bands With 'Goat' in Their Name." Despite famously playing Goat Boy on Saturday Night Live, the comedian turned metal singer was not familiar with any (we'll forgive him for not knowing Goat Semen, Goatpenis and Goatload, but c'mon, how about Goatwhore!?), but he told the story of how he almost named his band (Jim Breuer and the Lowd & Rowdy) the Steel Goats.
Finally, Breuer pulled out the piece of paper bearing the topic "Donald Trump." Going on an animated tirade, he compared the election to professional wrestling, but we're not going to give away any of the comedic moments here — you'll have to watch for yourself!
Watch the video at the top of the page to see Jim Breuer play the 'Skull Game!' Order a copy of Jim Breuer and the Loud & Rowdy's Songs From the Garage at iTunes and keep up with Breuer on tour at his website.
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