The History of Prog Rock in 20 AlbumsThe History of Prog Rock in 20 AlbumsA chronological journey through some of the genre's most significant LPs!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Best Pop Song by 10 Classic Prog Rock BandsThe Best Pop Song by 10 Classic Prog Rock BandsProg going pop wasn't ALWAYS bad, right?Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Best Non-‘Epic’ Song by 10 Classic Prog Rock BandsThe Best Non-‘Epic’ Song by 10 Classic Prog Rock BandsThese tracks don’t need extreme lengths to be exceptional!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Best ‘Epic’ Song by 10 Classic Prog Rock BandsThe Best ‘Epic’ Song by 10 Classic Prog Rock BandsThese songs might go for 10, 20 or even 40+ minutes! Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Least 'Prog' Album by 10 Big Prog Rock + Metal BandsThe Least 'Prog' Album by 10 Big Prog Rock + Metal BandsThese records barely retain their creators’ “prog” trademarks. Jordan BlumJordan Blum
10 Hidden, Funny or Weird Messages That End Rock + Metal Songs10 Hidden, Funny or Weird Messages That End Rock + Metal SongsHow many of these confounding closings have YOU heard before?Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Best Late Career Albums by 15 Classic Prog Rock + Metal BandsThe Best Late Career Albums by 15 Classic Prog Rock + Metal BandsStill going strong after so many years.Jordan BlumJordan Blum
15 Rock Stars Who Put Out New Albums in Both 1973 and 202315 Rock Stars Who Put Out New Albums in Both 1973 and 2023They said rock 'n' roll wouldn't last. These artists have proved them wrong.Matthew WilkeningMatthew Wilkening
25 Big Rock + Metal Albums Turning 50 in 202425 Big Rock + Metal Albums Turning 50 in 2024They're middle-aged!Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
65 Bands That Only Have One Original Member Left65 Bands That Only Have One Original Member LeftCan you believe there are this many?Philip TrappPhilip Trapp