10 Epic Buskers Playing Metal in Public
Ah, the fine art of busking. Street performers are as old as human talent itself and, in an increasingly cluttered world, it's still a great way to gain exposure for whatever it is you're doing. In this case, it's playing metal in public for all unassuming passersby to hear.
Who could forget Unlocking the Truth? The teen trio went viral with their street performance that overwhelmed headbangers so much that the band was scooped up quickly by a record label aiming to capitalize on the buzz band. In this clip, they play a lil' bit of Pantera, which is also how this Loud List closes as a Dimebag Darrell puppet replica shreds on guitar.
So there's some of the good. Now, onto something more confusing. If you're standing on the street with a hat and water bottle by your feet barking lyrics at people, they're in no way going to understand that you're screaming out lines from your favorite song. Instead, they're just going to assume you've lost your mind and are one step away from offering redemption for their sinning souls which are soon to be judged as the rapture encroaches.
Moving on, what busking compilation video would be complete without the ever-popular bucket drummer? An Argentinian guitar/drum duo posted up on the side of a road, each putting on a clinic for those who were compelled enough to stand and watch some more.
One guy even crushed it on a Hello Kitty mini-kit. Hmmm... we wonder where he got that idea from.
Watch 10 Epic Buskers Playing Metal in Public at the top of the page.
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