Letlive Play Subdued Yet Heartfelt Headlining Show in New York City
When you think of Letlive, you don’t necessarily think subdued or reserved. You expect backflips, crowdsurfing and relentless energy from the band and especially from frontman Jason Butler. Yet that didn't happen when the band hit New York City for headlining show at Gramercy Theater in support of the new release If I’m the Devil…
There were no backflips and Butler did not make his way into the crowd and join the mosh pits, instead he sang his heart out on the tracks both old and new spending most of the set back by the drum kit. After seeing Letlive at least a dozen times in the course of six years this was the most subdued Butler has been onstage. He is known for always expressing his feelings onstage and it just so happens that on this particular night he was having a difficult time which he addressed. “I’m going to be real right now. I’m having a really hard time up here and you guys are keeping it real,” stated Butler. Even though he was composed, fans went crazy. The vocalist also expressed his view on the police shooting of Alton Sterling in Louisiana before going into their new tune “Reluctantly Dead.”
What Letlive and Butler, in particular, have done over the years is unleash their energy in such a way that they have almost created mini Jason Butlers in their passionate fans who mosh, dance and let themselves go completely unhinged. Before the notable favorite “Muther,” Butler leveled with fans by saying, “I feel like I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing but you are still supportive,” and they maintained their support as the crowd sang their hearts out. The night ended with another new track which seemed to sum up the mood of Butler’s sentiments, “Good Mourning America.”
If this was your first time seeing Letlive, be sure to check them out again. Butler said early on in the show that he’s a human being before a musician and we all have are crap-filled days. If you’ve seen Letlive before, then you know that for some reason this particular show was less engaging in regards of the stage presence (and offstage presence) than what fans are used to. But Letlive on their worst day still give most bands, on their best day, a run for their money.
Check out our gallery of Letlive performing in New York City at Gramercy Theater above. Go here for a list of remaining dates to see Letlive live.
Watch Letlive's Video for Their Single "Good Mourning America"
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