Nightwish + Amorphis Fire Booking Agent John Finberg Following Sexual Assault + Harassment Allegations
Multiple bands have severed ties with concert booker and First Row Talent owner John Finberg. The fallout came after MetalSucks posted an extremely detailed article filled with accusations of sexual assault, harassment, racism, bullying and ripping off bands.
The article alleges Finberg attempted to trade sexual favors with female musicians in return for helping their bands, threatening to blacklist them from the music industry if they did not comply. Other accusations include force-feeding a woman alcohol until she was hospitalized, threatening bands with fake lawsuits and, bullying Tengger Cavalry’s Nature Ganganbaigal for his mental health issues. Finberg went so far as telling Nature he should kill himself in a July 2018 email. The 29-year-old musician died by suicide in June 2019.
“Nightwish have ceased to employ Mr. Finberg and have severed all contact with him and his company,” the band posted on social media.
Amorphis also dropped Finberg, sharing, “Amorphis does not accept any form of bullying, harassment or racism. Due to current allegations against First Row Talent Agency and John Finberg, effective immediately - John Finberg does not represent Amorphis in the United States, Canada or any other territory.”
Battle Beast followed suit as well:
Delain shared their own dismissal of Finberg. “Delain ceased to employ John Finberg during their last USA tour in 2019. First Row talent and John Finberg are no longer booking Delain in North America, Canada or any other territory. Delain does not stand for any form of harassment, bullying, sexism or racism.”
Finberg has not publicly commented on the allegations against him. For the full investigative report, head over to MetalSucks.
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