Nikki Sixx: ‘Most of the Songs Are Written’ for ‘The Heroin Diaries’ Play
It's been a slow process, but it appears as though Nikki Sixx is moving forward on plans to bring his biography, The Heroin Diaries, to the stage. Sixx famously recruited James Michael and DJ Ashba to help him record a soundtrack to accompany the book's initial release and that was the start of his current band Sixx: A.M., but the lure of turning the book into a stage production is something that's continuously interested Sixx.
With a break in the action after touring and issuing two Sixx: A.M. studio albums in 2016, Sixx has returned his focus to the play. He says in a new social media update, "End of a long and productive week working on The Heroin Diaries play. Really exciting to finally be digging into the details and talking through set design and music for the theater stage (obviously I have a lot of experience with set design which is helpful but a theatrical presentation is different in a lot of ways)."
He continued, "We have a great team and I am learning a lot..Really grateful we have the people we have for this show ...... The music is now laced in with the dialogue. Most of the songs are written already but I might need to write one more to fill a gap ..... Next up after I recover from surgery next week is casting ... Have a great weekend."
Sixx first began discussing turning the book into a stage production in 2012. "It was always in my head, [either] a movie or a play," Sixx told us back in 2013. "When we met the right partners to start that process happening, it was interesting how we’re referencing the book and referencing the music in the play as we’ll also be writing new music. We’ll also be writing new music and continuing to flush out the story."
We'll keep you up to date when more details concerning the play are revealed. As stated in his update, Sixx is about to have surgery on his shoulder. At present, there are no scheduled tour dates for Sixx: A.M.
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