A Day to Remember Albums Ranked
It would not be an exaggeration to say A Day to Remember are one of the most popular bands going in both metalcore and pop-punk today. It's not hard to see why: While a bevy of MySpace bands who used the word "easycore" as a self-descriptor to mark their poppy hardcore tastes, ADTR make the rest of the pile seem like amateurs thanks to their laser-precise songwriting.
At their best, the band can seamlessly put together songs that can amp anybody up with relatable lyrics of self-doubt punched up with adrenaline-soaked guitar work to get you moving. They manage to be extremely vulnerable, while also mixing in humor and bravado, keeping their music a constantly exhilarating thing.
We looked at the group's discography, from their early days in the small town of Ocala, Fla. to now, as festival headliners and globetrotters, and ranked their studio albums from weakest to strongest. Even at the beginning, the band's vision was there and the music grows richer as time goes on.
Check out A Day to Remember Albums Ranked in the gallery above!
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