Report: Blink-182 Among Most Commonly Hacked Passwords
A new report on the most commonly hacked passwords from CNN Business reveals that Blink-182 was the most repeated musical artist among the most vulnerable passwords.
The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) analyzed passwords from accounts worldwide that had been breached for the survey and found, unsurprisingly, that codes using names, sports teams and swear words were popular. In addition, they identified the most recurring musical artists, fictional characters, sports teams and more.
Blink-182's Mark Hoppus, being the Good Samaritan that he is, is spreading the word to let some fans know it may be time to change their passwords.
In a new Instagram post, Hoppus responds to a CNN tweet that displays popular passwords and phrases among those commonly hacked. While "iloveyou" and "superman" are among the phrases, so is "blink182." Hoppus responded to the report with a simple, "You guys."
It makes sense when you consider that more passwords began requiring letter-number combinations and Blink-182 are one of the more popular "number" bands. But it's good practice to refresh your passwords from time to time. Other popular hacked passwords include liverpool, manutd, ashley, michael and cowboys1.
While passwords may change, look for Blink-182 to see their profile raise even more as the year continues. The band has been working on new music, with John Feldmann and Pharrell Williams helping in the studio. Look for the group's album return later this year and catch them on tour at these stops.
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