Corey Taylor Shares Partial Writing Post for Next Slipknot Album
Last month, Corey Taylor confirmed that he had heard some of the music that his Slipknot bandmates had come up with and had begun writing lyrics for the upcoming disc. Now, Taylor offered proof that new music was in the works with an Instagram photo featuring partial lyrics and title for a new song.
The title of the song in question starts with the words "Birth of" ... but the remainder of Taylor's notepad is obscured by his pen and a mug. There are also quite a few words visible, but once again the train of thought of Taylor's lyrics is incomplete due to the singer's hand, a pen and a mug hiding the exact wording of the song.
Speaking last month to Musik Universe, Taylor said of the new music, “It's dark — it's really dark. It's probably the most autobiographical I've been in years. Just for the fact that I've been through a lot the last few years and I've been sitting on a lot. So I'm writing from the standpoint of where I am now instead of where I was. Which is so easy to tap into sometimes and it's so easy to just kind of go there almost on impulse. But now, I'm writing it from the standpoint of a man who's been through a lot — not just a young man, but an older man — and trying to figure things out."
Taylor currently has a full year of touring ahead of him with Stone Sour, which complicates his ability to devote full time to Slipknot at this point, but when asked about when the band might start recording, Taylor added, "2019, sometime in that year we will definitely be recording it. We'll finish writing it, record it and be ready to go on the road."
While we wait on new Slipknot music, be sure to catch Stone Sour while you can on tour this spring, summer and fall. Dates can be found here.
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