Machine Head’s Robb Flynn Plays ‘Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?’
This week on ‘Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?’ we’ve got Machine Head frontman Robb Flynn. With over three decades of music history to sort through, Flynn confirms and denies what’s written about him and Machine Head on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia had a number of entries on the formation of Machine Head. One page claims Flynn felt musically unfulfilled with his band Vio-lence, another reads his Vio-lence bandmates denied his request to create a new project, and yet another cites a fight with a local gang as the reason Flynn left Vio-lence. Robb Flynn sets the record straight once and for all in this exclusive interview.
One of the more entertaining Wiki entries we found claims Machine Head dropped off Sonisphere 2009 due to a dispute with Limp Bizkit. “[Sonisphere] bumped us down at the last minute and added Limp Bizkit at the last minute because the show wasn’t selling very well,” Flynn recalls. “We pulled out and then they came and super apologized … ‘We’ll fly you in on a private jet and pay you lots of money,’ and we’re like, ‘Well, okay.’”
It’s true that Machine Head’s first demo, which got them signed to Roadrunner Records, was made for just $800. The money went into booking the studio, which was just the bedroom of a friend, and Flynn used some interesting techniques while recording. “I did all the distorted vocals… he had an intercom that communicated with the rest of the house, so we just mic’d the intercom,” Flynn says.
Check out the Robb Flynn edition of ‘Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?’ in the clip above and click here to grab a copy of Machine Head’s newest album, Catharsis.
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