Mastodon’s Brent Hinds Reports on Guitar Solos Tracked Inside the Moon for New Album
If you've been keeping up with Mastodon this week, you've likely already seen the goofy teaser trailers from drummer Brann Dailor and bassist Troy Sanders. With a new album arriving in the spring, guitarist Brent Hinds is the latest to offer an update on his contributions to the record.
"Brent Hinds to command center. Dirty B. Hinds to command center," the axeman starts off in the video above. Checking in for an album update, he revealed he was in space recording guitar solos for a month, meanwhile on Earth, he noted Donald Trump was elected President during his absence. Explaining how he was able to nail certain guitar tones that would have been unachievable anywhere else, Hinds detailed how they had to track the solos inside the moon as they were unable to obtain permits to do so on the moon.
"After a while we were like, "'We're just walking, guys. We're not moonwalking anymore.' It's kind of like the first time we went to China: 'We're eating Chinese food!' It's like, it's just food here," Hinds said. "I felt pretty good about it, knowing I'm the only guitar player in the history of the world that ever did track inside the moon."
As the pieces fall into place, we've only become less certain about what Mastodon's new album will hold. Sanders had compared his preparation for the record to that of a Navy Seal or a Marine in his own video clip and what appears to be Dailor offered up a bunch of information, but very little actually pertaining to certainties of this highly anticipating slab of music.
That only leaves guitarist Bill Kelliher to provide some sort of video update and maybe he'll be the one to divulge some secrets... though we doubt it!
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