Rammstein’s Till Lindemann Helps Ukrainian Refugee at Berlin Train Station
Rammstein vocalist Till Lindemann recently did his part to help a Ukrainian refugee. After fleeing her country, refugee Alisa Komm wound up at the Berlin train station, only to meet Lindemann, who got her a place to stay in Germany.
Loudwire has confirmed with Rammstein’s reps that an Instagram post shared by rapper Potap is accurate. The post tells the story of Alisa Komm, who arrived at the Berlin train station shortly after Russia declared war on Ukraine.
As Komm arrived at the Berlin train station, she was unable to find an available hotel. “I feel bad, I want to cry. We approach another volunteer. I explain the situation. He says we will decide now. And then …! Till comes up with Jessica (Till‘s director), they are talking about something with a volunteer. I can’t believe that in front of me in the midst of all this apocalypse is the lead singer of Rammstein in a fashionable coat, no less fashionable shoes and a hat from Mozgi. He has terribly kind and beautiful eyes.” (as translated by Google Translate via Metal Addicts).
Lindemann and Jessica managed to find “a great hotel” for Komm, paid for her room, and even gave her an extra 50 euros.
“Jessica gives me her number and tells me to call if I need anything. I want to cry. Kissed Tilly 3 times. He is embarrassed. I tell him that I used to love Britney Spears and now I love Rammstein. He sincerely laughs.”
Rammstein also showed their support for Ukraine in the days following the Russian invasion. See their full statement below:
The band Rammstein wishes to express its support for the nation of Ukraine as it resists the shocking attack perpetrated by the Russian government.
Above all at this moment, we feel particular grief for the suffering of the Ukrainian people.
Each member of the band has various experiences of the two countries; all members of the band have friends, associates, partners, fans in both lands.
We acknowledge the desperation that many Russian fans may feel when faced with the actions of their government, and we want to remember the humanity shared by both Russian and Ukrainian citizens.
Група Rammstein хотіла б висловити підтримку народу України, який чинить опір жахливій агресії з боку російського уряду.
Насамперед, у цей момент ми глибоко співчуваємо українському народу за їх страждання.
Кожен член нашої групи, так чи інакше, пов'язаний із двома країнами. Усі члени групи мають друзів, колег, партнерів, шанувальників в обох країнах.
Ми розуміємо, що багато російських фанатів можуть бути розчаровані діями свого уряду, і ми хочемо пам'ятати про гуманність, яка властива як російським, так і українським громадянам.
Группа Rammstein хотела бы выразить поддержку народу Украины, который сопротивляется с ужасающей агрессией со стороны российского правительства.
Прежде всего, в этот момент мы глубоко соболезнуем украинскому народу и скорбим по поводу их страданий.
Каждый член нашей группы, так или иначе, связан с двумя странами. У всех членов группы есть друзья, коллеги, партнеры, поклонники в обеих странах.
Мы понимаем, что многие российские фанаты могут быть отчаянны в связи с действиями своего правительства, и мы хотим помнить о человечности, которая свойственна как российским, так и украинским гражданам.
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