Watch Randy Blythe’s Epic Protest Against the Westboro Baptist Church
Today (March 11), Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe began a protest against the Westboro Baptist Church. Instead of arguing or fighting with the notoriously hateful group, Blythe and fans danced, played drums and launched an attack of TV theme songs with kazoos.
For decades, the Westboro Baptist Church has picketed funerals, sporting events, concerts and more while holding signs demonizing homosexuals, veterans, Jewish people and many others.
Earlier today, the WBC picketed Virginia congresswoman Danica Roem, who happens to be transgender, outside the State Capitol. Blythe, a native Virginian and friend of Roem’s, wasn’t about to see this happen in his home town of Richmond.
Blythe’s gathering far outnumbered the Westboro Baptist Church protesters and passersby filmed the epic trolling session as they passed by the State Capitol.
Blythe brought 200 kazoos to hand out and even held a costume contest for a $200 prize. As the Palaces Burn documentarian Don Argott was also on hand filming the event for an upcoming short.
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