Music can transcend languages and can uplift and inspire. A perfect example of that can be seen in the documentary In Your Honor that features an Argentinian Foo Fighters fan who was so inspired by Dave Grohl's response to a concert audience's passion that he decided to form a band and document the process as a way to properly translate that feeling to the musician himself.

Within the documentary, we see Foo Fighters performing for an enthusiastic crowd during a 2018 stadium performance in Argentina, with the band becoming overwhelmed as the crowd belted the famous "Ole Ole Ole" soccer chant as a show of adoration. Within that moment, Grohl stopped down and briefly constructed an impromptu song to share the love back with the crowd, while in the process commenting on the audience's singing stating, "Why don't you guys form a band and I'll come see you?"

Singer Juan Pablo Sanzi, who is at the heart of the documentary, took up that challenge and the In Your Honor documentary was born. He set about forming a band and writing a song, feeling that Grohl had not fully grasped the meaning of the sentiment expressed when the crowd sang "Ole Ole Ole" to them within the show. It was a sign of passion, of love and respect.

Sanzi teamed with director Mauro Romero to document the process as he gathered a group that included drummer Ezequiel Gonzalez, bassist Nicolas Zanotti, lead guitarist Martin Legovich, keyboardist Marton Fabbrizzi and rhythm guitarist Marco Ruberto and the project was underway.

"This documentary is a way of rewarding him and thanking him with work for the influence he (Dave) had on me," Sanzi told IndieHoy.

"I saw Foo Fighters many times live but I never really saw Dave and the band this surprised with an audience. The show in Vélez was incredible because many things came together, all at the right time. The Argentine public showed its best face that night, something that does not always happen, but when that mix of factors happens, that the band and the public are on fire, something unforgettable happens," recalls Sanzi. "And so it was, to the point that Dave improvised a song for us, ‘Argentina I Love You.’ At one point the people were so excited that they said to us: “Do you come here to sing my songs or your songs? Why don't they make a band like that and I'll come see them? ' and that was the click."

So Sanzi set about constructing a band and documenting the process with the hope that Grohl would come see them play. Not knowing how it would all turn out, they submitted for some film festivals after the documentary was complete. So far, they have been dubbed award winner at the Miami Independent Film Festival, winner of the Best Documentary Featurette at the International Film Festival of Los Angeles and an award winner at the Five Continents International Film Festival in Venezuela among other honors.

As seen in recent social media postings, the documentary has been sent to and received by Dave Grohl himself. "Hey Dave and Foo Fighters. The band you requested three years ago is ready! The BOX is in your court! Now, it''s up to you... Are YOU ready? This is a call to all the music fans around the world! Not just Foo fans. This is our love letter to you, MUSIC LOVERS. Watch the doc! Like it and share it! We want you to be part of this too. we are now officially #CALLINGMRGROHL," reads one post dated within the past week.

While a second shows Grohl with the documentary box in hand. "Inside that box, there's a dream. My biggest project. A 45' documentary for music lovers. Not only Foo fans," states Sanzi in a post dated Dec. 14, noting they were awaiting Grohl's reply. Check out the In Your Honor official documentary below in full.

In Your Honor Official Documentary

Facebook: In Your Honor
Facebook: In Your Honor
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