The first round is in the books and emerging as victors in the Headbanger Region are Death's Human and Opeth's Blackwater Park. Two progressive albums in their own right will do battle in the Quarterfinals to move on where the next matchup will determine the winner of this region.

It seems Australia's Psycroptic and their brilliant Scepter of the Ancients album were just no match for the mighty Death album, Human. Both dazzle with technical proficiency, but the esteemed legacy of the Chuck Schuldiner-led group positively snuffed out any sight of a flame from the land down under, amassing nearly 90 percent of the votes.

Much like what Death did to Psycroptic, Opeth did to Italy's Fleshgod Apocalypse. It was Blackwater Park against Oracles and while Fleshgod's 1000mph steamroller of an album is a sonic force, it couldn't flatten what many consider to be Opeth's crowning achievement. Now, we have two legendary albums squaring off.

Which album will move on to the Semifinals of the 2016 Extreme Metal Olympics? Vote for either Death's Human or Opeth's Blackwater Park in the poll below and check out a song from each album beneath the poll if you're unfamiliar.

(This poll will end on Monday, Aug. 15, at 9AM ET. Fans are able to vote once per hour, so keep coming back to make sure your favorite song wins!)

Death, "Suicide Machine"

Opeth, "Blackwater Park"


Headbanger Region Round 2


Devil Horn Region Round 2

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