Frances Bean Cobain Performs New ‘Very Sad Song’ + Shares Lyrics
Frances Bean Cobain premiered a raw, selfie-style clip of a "very sad song" on social media Tuesday (June 18). At the same time, the 26-year-old daughter of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain and Hole's Courtney Love shared her original lyrics for the new tune along with a promise of more material from the grunge scion in the future.
Accompanied only by an acoustic guitar, the song — presented without an official title — shows Cobain's natural knack for composition and performance. Watch the video and read the lyrics down toward the bottom of this post.
"Be forewarned," Cobain wrote in the Instagram post that framed the solemn songwriting exercise she shared with her 1.1 million followers, "These are clips of a very sad song but it's raw and truthful so i wanted to share it."
The singer, artist and model has unveiled a number of self-penned compositions in the past, all while navigating legal issues related to her circumstances. This week, she suggested more songs are on the way.
"Music coming soonish y'all." Cobain added. "Thanks for the continued interest and words of encouragement. I see them all and they make my heart full."
Frances Bean Cobain lyrics for a "very sad song" —
I know you weren't meant to stay in this place
Sometimes I find it hard to look at
My own face
Maybe one day I will talk to you
If I’m lucky it won’t be too soon
They say I’m soft and resemble an
What happens to angels
When they die
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