Heavy Metal Documentary Scored by Dave Lombardo Is Coming to Streaming
Drummer Dave Lombardo crafted the musical score for Los Últimos Frikis, a documentary film that uncovers the history of obscure Cuban metal band Zeus and their determined frontman, Diony Arce. Now, the movie will finally see a steaming release in North America.
The Nicholas Brennan-directed doc, which had its stateside premiere at 2019's DOC NYC fest, will be available to viewers starting Sept. 16 via Topic, an app from the media nonprofit First Look Media. It will also be available on-demand through Vimeo this month.
Watch the trailer down toward the bottom of this post.
"I have always wanted to score a film," said Lombardo, the Cuban-American drummer who once backed Slayer and now performs with Suicidal Tendencies, the Misfits and several other acts. "It's been a goal of mine for many years now. When Nick told me his vision for this documentary, I was immediately intrigued by the story because it could have been mine. When he asked me to score the film, I didn't hesitate to accept."
The rocker added it "couldn't have been a more perfect match for my debut at a new form of musical expression. I have been on a path of making music solely for myself and various bands for 37 years. This is for the people of my birthplace. This is for my blood and for healing."
Topic general manager Ryan Chanatry remarked, "Now that our team has become dedicated Zeuz fans, we can't wait to introduce our audience to their fascinating story. The band epitomizes the boundary-pushing, unconventional and highly entertaining spirit that Topic viewers revel in."
Visit the documentary's official website at losultimosfrikis.com. Find out more about Topic, including how to sign up for the streaming service said to be "curated for a curious and engaged audience seeking smart, provocative and meaningful entertainment," at topic.com.
Los Últimos Frikis is a feature-length documentary about communist Cuba's legendary heavy metal band Zeus — the most popular rock stars you've never heard of. The film follows the band's frontman, Diony Arce, over 10 years as he struggles to express himself inside this closed society. Battling against the country's Agency of Rock and the restrictions of its socialist model, Diony and his band of metalheads fight to realize their dreams of stardom despite the limitations thrown in their way.
Los Últimos Frikis Trailer
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