Lamb of God Members, Anthrax’s Charlie Benante Headline ‘That Metal Show’ Episode
You'll want to make plans Saturday night (Feb. 22) to check out VH1 Classic's 'That Metal Show.' The latest episode finds Eddie Trunk, Don Jamieson and Jim Florentine sitting down for a chat with Lamb of God's Randy Blythe and Chris Adler to promote their new DVD 'As the Palaces Burn,' while Anthrax's Charlie Benante is on hand to show off some of his drum skills leading in and out of commercial breaks.
Lamb of God's 'As the Palaces Burn' documentary is one of the more anticipated films of the year for hard rock and metal fans. The band initially planned to shoot a film about their far-reaching global fan base, but the film took a turn when Blythe was imprisoned in the Czech Republic on an alleged manslaughter charge relating to a fan who had died attending one of their shows. The film follows the events of the trial and the band's reaction. The documentary is screening in theaters across the country with a special Q&A that was filmed with 'That Metal Show' host Eddie Trunk serving as a companion piece. However, the band's 'That Metal Show' appearance is not all serious, as they share a few stories from the lighter side of touring over the past 15 years as well.
As for Benante, the drummer shows off is blazing chops on the show and he'll also give fans an update on the progress of Anthrax's next album. The group finished touring the 'Worship Music' album last fall, and have been working toward a new disc during late 2013 and the early part of 2014.
Other highlights during the episode include a check-in with Scorpion Child for the 'Metal Modem' segment, a Top 5 wish list of guests the hosts would like to have on the show, and a 'Throwdown' discussion pitting four classic albums from Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth against each other. And, as always, audience members will attempt to 'Stump the Trunk' during a trivia segment.
'That Metal Show' airs Saturday night (Feb. 22) at 11PM ET/PT on VH1 Classic, and future episodes will feature Motley Crue's Mick Mars, Foreigner's Mick Jones and The Winery Dogs among others.
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