Hear Megadeth’s ‘Hangar 18′ Solo in the Style of All Their Guitarists
Guitarists all tend to have their own distinct "voice," so when bands go through lineup changes with their guitar players, the sound of the songs may get altered a bit with each one. YouTuber Shawn McNair created a compilation video playing the solo in Megadeth's "Hangar 18" in the style of all of their guitarists to showcase the differences.
"Every guitarist that Megadeth's had over the years has their own unique style, and the number of solos in 'Hangar 18' just so happened to perfectly line up with how many have been in the band," McNair told us.
"I start with Chris Poland and progress chronologically through the members until the last solos, which are played in the style of the current members Kiko [Loureiro] and Dave [Mustaine]. I stuck to the theme of the original solos but did my best to mimic both tone and playing-wise how I think the other guitarists would have played them."
After Poland, McNair plays the solo in the styles of Jeff Young, Marty Friedman, Metallica's Cliff Burton as a special guest, Al Pitrelli, Glen Drover, Chris Broderick and then Loureiro and Mustaine. He was joined by Mgrocki for the experiment, who plays the bass in the video.
Check it out below.
McNair's channel consists of a plethora of covers of metal bands including Metallica, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Trivium, Dream Theater, Slipknot and more. Last August, the musician uploaded another neat video project when he recreated an unreleased Megadeth song by piecing together the teaser clips the band had been putting out.
Fortunately, the six-year wait is nearly over — we spoke with Mustaine a couple of days ago, and he revealed that their upcoming record The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead! should be out in July of this year. Watch our exclusive interview with the band leader here.
'Hangar 18' Solo in the Style of All of Megadeth's Guitarists
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