Of Mice & Men Singer Austin Carlile Gets Baptized
Of Mice & Men's Austin Carlile has a full summer of touring with Slipknot and Marilyn Manson ahead of him, so it's probably good that he recently got right with God. In a new Instagram posting, Carlile revealed that he was recently baptized.
The vocalist states in the posting that "after taking 28 years to realize God's work playing out in my life" that he "had to get out of the middle of the road and fully follow him." Carlile has had his fair share of challenges in his life, with his struggles and surgeries as a result of Marfan Syndrome being well documented. After spending the better part of a year-and-a-half off the road dealing with major surgery and recovery, Carlile and his band are about to resume their careers with a new album and touring.
Carlile says in his posting, "This past Sunday (July 3) I was finally baptized, after taking 28 years to realize God's work playing out in my life and that I had to get out of the middle of the road and fully follow Him. Trying to do things my own way completely left me stranded. Relying on my own perseverance and strength was not enough. His grace has been overwhelming, and with every obstacle I've faced I'm proud to say my hope through HIM is what has pushed me to continue on, and to keep fighting. Through His grace I AM enough, and hope my life and fight can reflect just that to others." He concludes with the passage, "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and life more abundantly" from John 10:10. See the posting below:
As stated, Carlile and Of Mice & Men are on their way back with new music. The band just released a video for the single "Pain" and their Cold World album will be released by Rise Records on Sept. 9. Pre-orders are currently being taken at this location. Meanwhile, the band has a full schedule ahead of them and you can see their full tour itinerary here.
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