Pallbearer Bring Doom to Upcoming 2018 Winter Tour
Pallbearer are on their way to becoming one of the 21st century's best doom-infused, progressive metal bands. Part of that is their commitment to pushing their sound forward, and creating an all-encompassing experience of forward-thinking heaviness for listeners. On record, this means a number of excellent albums best heard front to back, to experience in full. It also means they're dedicated to a powerful live show, and they've announced new tour dates for fans to sink into this early winter.
The tour begins Jan.19 in Little Rock, Ark., and goes through the southern and midwest U.S., eventually ending in Philadelphia on March 31. It's a solid string of dates, and there looks to be some gaps in between shows, which could very well mean more touring on the way.
This year, Pallbearer released a monster of an album in Heartless. It's an album that made both our top metal albums of the year list, as well as our songs list for "I Saw The End." The group is that good, top to bottom.
Check out when they'll be playing near you:
Pallbearer 2018 Tour Dates
Jan. 19 - Little Rock, Ark. @ Revolution Music Room*
Jan. 20 - Fayetteville, Ark. @ George’s Majestic Lounge*
Jan. 21 - Oklahoma City, Okla. @ 89th Street*
Feb. 23 - Nashville, Tenn. @ The Basement East^
Feb. 24 - Cincinnati, Ohio @ Northside Yacht Club^
Feb. 25 - Lexington, Ky. @ Cosmic Charlie’s^
Feb. 26 - Asheville, N.C. @ The Grey Eagle^
Feb. 28 - Indianapolis, Ind. @ The Hi-Fi^
March 1 - St. Louis, Mo. @ The Ready Room^
March 31 - Philadelphia, Pa. @ The Fillmore - Decibel Metal and Beer Fest
* with Sumokem // ^ with Ruby the Hatchet
See Pallbearer on the 10 Best Metal Albums of 2017
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