Paul McCartney Guitarist Has ‘Les Pool’ – a Les Paul Guitar-Shaped Pool
For some, guitar is a way of life! That holds true for Paul McCartney's legendary guitar player Brian Ray, who invited Gibson TV out for a visit and a run through of his guitar collection, but delivered the most jaw-dropping reaction when he took host Mark Agnesi out back to show him his swimming pool.
As seen in the shot above and showcased in more detail in the video below, Brian Ray has a Les Paul guitar-shaped swimming pool on his Palm Springs estate, that has aptly been dubbed the "Les Pool."
A closer look reveals that the headstock section of the pool is actually a hot tub, eventually spilling out into the larger body of the swimming area.
"It's a bit of a custom thing because we saw how big of a yard there was here and we wanted to do something new," says Ray with a smile, while Agnesi jokes, "Did you clear the IP with our legal department?"
For those with a love of guitars, the Gibson TV feature is a goldmine. Ray's impressive display of guitars include his signature '62 SG Junior, a '59 Les Paul burst and a '57 gold top among others. Dig in and enjoy some of the stories behind Ray's guitar collection.
As for the discussion of the "Les Pool," it comes quickly, starting at 1:23 in the video. Check it out below and look for Ray playing alongside McCartney, with a European tour scheduled for the summer.
Gibson TV's "The Collection: Brian Ray"
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