Never assume you hold all the cards. Static Cycle demonstrate that with their new video for the song "Power," which is the fourth installment in a six-part animated series.

The latest installment follows on the heels of the band's videos for "Boxes," "Ringer" and "Wolf," with "The Showman" at the controls, ready to conduct his experiments but perhaps not ready for the outcome.

Singer Jared Navarre tells us, "'Power' is a deeply vulnerable song for me. Both the video and song chronicle my experience of being torn apart and abused. The Showman, who is one of the main characters in our live show, represents the figure who looms over us all, but as the video shows, sometimes pain makes you stronger and power is fluid."

Narvarre previously revealed that the song was about experiencing brutal abuse as a child and having the power to grow and finally overcome that experience and take back the power that was stolen from you."

For those digging the visuals and the narrative, the characters introduced in the videos are helping to showcase a story that will be told in the band's live shows, which have been described as "a hybrid between Cirque du Soleil, live theatre and a hard rock show."

For now, you can get the song via the platform of your choosing here, and be sure to stay up to date with Static Cycle via their website as well as their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Static Cycle, "Power"

Static Cycle

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