10-Year-Old Rages Singing Slipknot’s ‘The Heretic Anthem'10-Year-Old Rages Singing Slipknot’s ‘The Heretic Anthem'She's a 'popstar threat' indeed.Selena FragassiSelena Fragassi
6 + 8-Year Olds Sing Together on All-Kid Korn Cover6 + 8-Year Olds Sing Together on All-Kid Korn CoverPassed-down Korn is still tasty!Chad ChildersChad Childers
Body Double Used for 'Stranger Things' Metallica Song SceneBody Double Used for 'Stranger Things' Metallica Song SceneSomebody lends the actor a "hand."Todd FooksTodd Fooks
An 8-Year-Old Imitates Jonathan Davis on Kids' Cover of Korn SongAn 8-Year-Old Imitates Jonathan Davis on Kids' Cover of Korn SongBut can she match his facial expressions from the video?Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Kids Trash Neighborhood to 9-Year-Old Rocker's Slipknot CoverKids Trash Neighborhood to 9-Year-Old Rocker's Slipknot CoverThat's one way to rock the suburbs.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
10-Year-Old Is Totally Ready, Sings Korn's 'Blind' With Kid Band10-Year-Old Is Totally Ready, Sings Korn's 'Blind' With Kid BandThe question is, as always, "Aaaaaare youuuuu ready?!"Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
Watch 6-Year-Old Boy Sing Korn's 'Here to Stay' on All-Kid CoverWatch 6-Year-Old Boy Sing Korn's 'Here to Stay' on All-Kid Cover'Here to Slay' is more like it!Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
10 Child Prodigies in Rock + Metal With Jaw-Dropping Talent10 Child Prodigies in Rock + Metal With Jaw-Dropping TalentTearing it up before they’re teenagers.Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Nine-Year-Old Girl Fronts Kid Band Cover of Rammstein's 'Du Hast'Nine-Year-Old Girl Fronts Kid Band Cover of Rammstein's 'Du Hast'A total of 10 kids took part in this awesome cover.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
10-Year-Old Leads All-Kid Band in Rage Against the Machine Cover10-Year-Old Leads All-Kid Band in Rage Against the Machine CoverThey're not playin' tic-tac-toe.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp