Tommy Lee Accused of Stealing Roller Coaster Drum Idea
Tommy Lee is no stranger to the legal system, having several run-ins with the law over the years. Now, according to TMZ, an engineer claims he had the idea for the Motley Crue drummer's circle-shaped roller-coaster drum solo back in 1991.
Scott King wrote a legal letter to Motley Crue's lawyers recently, claiming he pitched the idea to Lee over 20 years ago and was turned down. King says the idea was then used in Motley Crue's 2011 tour. He wants to be compensated, and says he will sue.
Lee's lawyers wrote a letter in response, TMZ reports, saying Lee was not pitched the idea by King. They also say King's version of the rollercoaster tracked all over the stage, which is nothing like Lee's drum ring used at concerts. So far, no lawsuit has been filed.
Lee, who is a staunch animal rights activist, was in the news recently when he requested that SeaWorld stop using Motley Crue songs in their 'Shamu Rocks' killer whale show. Lee claims the loud music is abusive to the whales.
Motley Crue is currently in the midst of a summer tour with Kiss. At their Englewood, Colo., show last week, the bands announced they would donate $100,000 to the Aurora Victim Relief Fund in the wake of the tragic movie theater shootings.
Tommy Lee's 360 Drum Roller Coaster Video (NSFW Language)
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