Trent Reznor Rips Participant in Online Q&A Session
Trent Reznor and his How to Destroy Angels bandmates took to Reddit to discuss their new album, 'Welcome Oblivion,' and while most of the fans participating in the chat were respectful, there was one who came out swinging at Reznor for his decisions in promoting the band and signing to a major label.
One of the chat participants asked Reznor, "As millionaires, why did you sign up with a record label to promote your new album? … I don't buy the 'get it to as many people as possible' excuse, especially when Trent conveniently places a spotlight on his former cash cow a few days before your band releases this new album. Good marketing, Gene Sim-, er, Trent Reznor. When can I get my [Nine Inch Nails] toothpaste?"
Rather than take it in stride, Reznor shot back with equal venom, responding, "Sorry, the WiFi on our yacht is having issues. We can't get your full question to load. Try sending me an email at gof---yourself@youc---.com."
Though the initial comments came across with a bite, there were some fans who felt that a valid question was posed amidst the insults. Reznor's bandmate Rob Sheridan later chimed in with a response of his own. He stated, "The original poster didn't deserve a legitimate response, but since this is apparently a question that some people have, let me chime in and shut it down … Why was NIN announced right at this time? The answer is we DIDN'T WANT TO ANNOUNCE NIN yet. We put it off as long as possible to give HTDA time to breathe before getting steamrolled by NIN news, but when you book festival gigs, they have their own marketing rollout that is beyond our control and have specific times they need to announce their lineups."
Sheridan added that Reznor is not using Nine Inch Nails to help market How to Destroy Angels and has done as much as possible to keep them from overlapping.
As for talk of signing to a major label and what it does for the band, Sheridan explained, "No one's getting rich off HTDA. Even the money we'd make from something big like Coachella goes back 100 percent into the production budget so we can have a great live show. We're doing it because we think it's cool and we like making art and that's really it. We want as many people as possible to hear about that art, so that led to the record label idea."
In conclusion, Sheridan later stated that the harsh barb back from Reznor did the band more good than harm as it got picked up by major blogs and websites. He concluded, "Winner = Trent. Loser = Anyone who is somehow managing to get butthurt over his reply."
Meanwhile, Reznor didn't just spend his surliness on condescending Reddit participants. He also threw a solid barb at hipster music website Pitchfork, which recently streamed the 'Welcome Oblivion' album ahead of its release. In a tweet, Reznor stated, "Mandatory bad Pitchfork 'review' alert! Comforting to know some things are a constant and entirely predictable in these confusing times." That review in question could be found here.
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