Cannibal Corpse’s George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher Has a ‘Respect the Neck’ T-Shirt Now
Cannibal Corpse frontman George 'Corpsegrinder' Fisher is known for a lot of things — some of the best gutturals in death metal, winning an insane amount of claw machine prizes (then donating them to kids) and, of course, there's the size of his neck. The neck, perhaps the most famous one in metal, is so prestigious that there is even now a "Respect the Neck" T-shirt bearing the vocalist's face.
If you have ever been to a Cannibal Corpse show, you've undoubtedly heard the challenge issued to fans in the crowd. "Try to keep up with me, and you will fail," Corpsegrinder always says, throwing down the gauntlet to anyone who dares to compete with his Olympic-level windmill headbanging.
That neck has put in countless hours onstage for nearly three decades, so there is just no reasonable way any headbanger could catch up to the imposing Corpsegrinder, who sounds as lethal as ever on Cannibal Corpse's latest record, Violence Unimagined, which was released earlier this year.
The "Respect the Neck" shirt (seen below) is available at the webstore run by Hatebreed's Jamey Jasta. The Hatebreed frontman also recently worked with Twisted Sister legend Dee Snider on his next solo record, Leave a Scar, and even tabbed Corpsegrinder for a guest spot on the new song "Time to Choose."
DEATH METAL PLAYLISTS: Hear Cannibal Corpse and a lot more in Loudwire's 'Early Death Metal: The First 15 Years' and '2000s Death Metal' playlists.
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