Corey Taylor Opens Up About Depression + Attempted Suicide
Slipknot / Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor has teamed up with the You Rock Foundation for a PSA about depression and suicide prevention. In the raw clip, Taylor discusses his dark teenage years, his battle with depression and his attempted suicide.
The four-minute clip opens up with Taylor sharing the issues he went through when he was 17, including being homeless, battling depression and how he attempted suicide. He calls the day he tried to take his life “the lowest moment of my life because I did it to myself.”
Taylor continues, “The only thing that really helped was writing. It felt like when I was writing I could work it out, and really be able to get my head around it. It provided a way for me to get that primal scream out, without having to scream. The scream was there if I needed it, but also being able to sing, and really get a handle on the emotions I was feeling without losing my mind.” He adds, “It was the sanity that I needed to kind of get my feet underneath me and move on, and put a lot of that stuff behind me.”
The Slipknot frontman then delivers a message to anyone contemplating suicide saying that everything that comes after the darkness is better. “There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. There’s always a way out. It’s all temporary. Pain is temporary. Depression is temporary. You are stronger than you know. You can get through it.” He ends the PSA with “You Matter, you’re needed and you rock.”
The You Rock Foundation instills hope for those battle depression and contemplating suicide by publishing videos of bands and artists testifying about their personal demons, how they fought them, and how they won. For more information about suicide prevention click here.
Slipknot released their highly anticipated '.5: The Gray Chapter' on Tuesday. Fans can download the effort at iTunes. The band will be headlining their very own Knotfest on Saturday and Sunday (Oct. 25 and 26) in San Bernardino, Calif. See Slipknot’s full list of dates here.
Meanwhile, Stone Sour have been holed up in a studio recording a covers album, which is expected to arrive next year.
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