Dee Snider Wears Classic Twisted Sister Outfit for Australian Wildfire Relief
Twisted Sister icon Dee Snider has thrown on some vintage rock duds for a good cause. On Wednesday (Jan. 8), the entertainer and author who's currently penning his first novel squeezed back into his 1984 Stay Hungry album cover outfit to raise awareness about Australia's current wildfire emergency.
He's not the first rock or metal artist to bring attention to the matter. Earlier this week, Metallica pledged over $500,000 to aid relief and help victims of the series of intense bushfires currently burning across Australia. For his part, however, Snider evoked a classic Twisted Sister tune for the undertaking.
"We're not gonna take Australian Wildfires," Snider offers alongside the video. (Watch it below). "What's happening in fire ravaged Australia is a worldwide crisis. We need to stand up and shout WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT! Send your love, prayers, hope and donations to the many charities set up online to help!"
The charitable throwback centers around the lyrics to Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It," the hit released from Stay Hungry in the mid-'80s. Last year, Snider explained he'll let pro-choice candidates use the song for campaign purposes after he previously stopped both Donald Trump and Paul Ryan from doing so.
To date, the blazes in Australia have reportedly burned through over 41,000 square miles and destroyed more than 2,400 homes, as Ultimate Classic Rock noted. Twenty-eight people and millions of animals have lost their lives to the fires thus far. Rising temperatures, drought and unpredictable winds have helped make them the worst bushfires in the country's history.
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