Drummer Danny Carey Says New Tool Album Most Likely to Surface in Early 2014
Currently, in the world of rock, there is perhaps no album more anticipated than Tool's fifth full-length disc. Both vocalist Maynard James Keenan and drummer Danny Carey have commented on the possibility of a 2013 release throughout this year, the duo having even offered conflicting expectations at times. However, with the year more than half over, Danny Carey now reveals that a 2013 release for Tool's next album is highly unlikely.
Sorry to break your hearts, Tool fans, but a shiny new copy of the band's fifth studio album probably won't be waiting under your Christmas trees this year. We recently spoke with Danny Carey about his awesome new band Volto!, but during our exclusive interview, the percussionist also gave us an update on Tool's next record.
"It's still the three of us right now and four of us it will be soon, you know, just working on all our parts and working on our compositions together," Carey says, referring to Keenan's current absence from the recording sessions. "Stylistically, we're trying to push things in different ways, but it always comes out sounding like Tool no matter what we're trying to do. We're working everyday on it and it's going really well, so I'm hoping we'll get into the studio by the end of the year."
When we asked about a possible 2013 release date for the album, Carey responded, "I doubt it. Right now, since we haven't started tracking stuff at this point, it'll be hard. We could have the record finished by the end of the year -- that's a possibility, but the logistics of getting it manufactured and getting the record company in line and all this stuff, I doubt we'll be able to get it out before Christmas. We'll see how it goes. Most likely, it'll be early 2014."
Stay tuned to our full Volto! interview with Danny Carey and keep checking back for updates on Tool's fifth full-length.
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