10 Essential Sci-Fi TV Shows by Zero Theorem’s Caesar
Alt-metal group Zero Theorem have just dropped their new EP, 'The Killing II,' alongside a brand new, sci-fi themed music video for the song "Joke." We invited singer Caesar to dive further into his and the band's affection for science fiction, and, since we've all spent a lot of time on the couch since the pandemic started, he's got a new watch-list for you: 10 Essential Sci-Fi TV Shows. Have at it, Caesar...
Zero Theorem’s aesthetic, sound, and lyrical content are all highly influenced by the genre of science fiction and I think a lot of sci-fi reflects the reality of the moment and can be readily channeled when creating music.
In addition to being an escape, the genre has the potential to be both prescient and immediately impactful, especially given the extent to which our technology continues to influence us. Much of what the band produces is designed to have multiple meanings, with one interpretation being connected to a fictional universe we’re continuing to build.
The song "Joke" reflects the illusory nature of the self, both in cyberspace and the physical world. No one is entirely what they may think or claim to be, even the most insightful among us. Moreover, today's technological trends and social platforms seem to have amplified our tendency toward self-delusion.
Maintaining a healthy sense of humility and open-mindedness can be challenging under more traditional circumstances. However, the need for critical reflection and honest self-representation is rapidly growing alongside our modern advancements.
Check out the video for "Joke" directly below and view those sci-fi TV selections further down the page. Follow Zero Theorem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.
Zero Theorem, "Joke" Music Video
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Few television memories from early childhood still resonate with the vividness of Michael Donovan's discovery. The original miniseries lead to a sequel, V: The Final Battle, and a weekly iteration, V: The Series.
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'Stranger Things'
Eleven is as likeable a heroine as I have ever found. Plus, the overall nostalgia for the 1980's is a delight for me. One can't help noticing the influences of Spielberg, King and Carpenter here. While the show embraces horror and fantasy, aspects like inter-dimensional travel and secretive psychic experiments lend a nice dose of sci-fi flare.
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'Star Wars: The Clone Wars'
At times, I found myself forgetting this show was animated. Some of the story arcs are quite compelling and the overall series provides a fun and entertaining way to expand on the prequel trilogy. Ashoka and Ventress are easily two of my favorite characters from the entire Star Wars universe, and I was greatly pleased to see the resurrection of Maul.
Additionally, many of my favorite parts included the clones themselves, and the question of their personal identities intrigued me. The show's successor, Star Wars: The Bad Batch, is due to premiere this year.
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Frank Herbert's Dune
This miniseries was more faithfully adapted than the 1984 movie but follows a slightly older Paul Atreides than the book. Frank Herbert's fascinating and insightful masterpiece is done adequate justice, although I'm still eagerly anticipating the new film version coming later this year. Dune and its sequel, Children of Dune, offer numerous parallels with today's world involving a wide variety of topics, including ecology, politics, commerce, and religion.
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'The X-Files'
After the events of recent years, if I were to learn of a secretive syndicate helping aliens to invade Earth and enslave the human species, I might think that sounds about right.
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'Rick and Morty'
Deep down, I want to be Rick Sanchez. The genius of this show for me is the combination of hilariously sophomoric jokes and challenging philosophical reflection. It's rare for a show to make me cry from laughter and existential despair simultaneously. Also, this is a show that rewards repeat viewings and attention to detail.
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'The Mandalorian'
The Mandalorian is the first live-action series in the Star Wars franchise, beginning five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. It follows Din Djarin, a lone bounty hunter who goes on the run after being hired to retrieve a force-sensitive child.
The dynamic between Din and Grogu is surprisingly endearing, and it's encouraging to see how the larger Star Wars universe is being connected to their journey. This show has also helped fuel my ongoing fascination with droids and the science of robotics.
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'Black Mirror' / 'The Twilight Zone'
The Twilight Zone was the originator, so it seems fair to offer a nod here. When I watch those older shows, they can be creepier than some of our current horror flicks. Black Mirror uses many of the same twisted themes while updating them to a future that seems eerily close. Using addiction to technology as a recurring premise, the scariest thing to me about this wildly fictional show is its actual plausibility.
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'The Expanse'
The Expanse excels in numerous ways, including its depiction of how decisions by those in power directly impact others. The character development has been great to watch, and the effects and visuals are top-notch for a television series. Perhaps it won't be in 200 years, but I tend to strongly anticipate some of what I see on this show as a potential future...if we make it that long.
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'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
Captain Picard's Enterprise was my first introduction to Star Trek. Watching the show as a kid, I was attracted to the seemingly realistic issues being discussed while in outer space. Data’s character made me question what it was to be human, and the Holodeck made me question reality itself. I loved watching how the crew dealt with different alien species. There were genuine lessons to be learned about how to deal with others different from oneself. Also, the show was my first encounter with the Borg! Resistance is Futile!
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