Grandson Performs Song About Female Reproductive Rights at Hangout Festival
If you're going to make a point, it may be best to do it in the place that most needs it to be heard. Prior to this past weekend's Hangout Festival, Grandson expressed his thoughts on Alabama's Human Life Protection Act, stating his intent to contribute a portion of his Hangout Festival fee to the Yellow Hammer Fund that provides support and assistance to abortion clinics in the state of Alabama. But that wasn't the last word from the musician on the matter, as he quickly worked up a song for his performance as well.
Though the song was not given an official title, Grandson played the track for the Hangout Festival crowd, which likely contained a lot of Alabama-based citizens. The musician also posted video from his performance and added commentary on the creation of the song along with the lyrics from what he performed.
Of the many conversations being had right now about a woman’s reproductive rights, one thing that seems to have been understated is the gravity of such a personal decision, and the mental and physical toll that is taken with making that difficult choice.
When we had the opportunity to perform at @hangoutfest , at the insistence of the band and those close to me, I shared a song I had written over the past couple days about that topic onstage in Alabama, ground zero of this battle for a woman’s right to choose. In dark or confusing times, music has been and will always continue to be what I turn to in order to feel a sense of community and a sense of optimism, hope. As an act of solidarity, a portion of our fee was donated to @yellowfund , and was happy to be rocking a sweet @noisefornow shirt onstage. Both organizations advocate for women’s health and for the right to a safe legal abortion in Alabama and across America. Some lyrics below:
Nobody’s ready for the days like these
She says how do you choose who can choose for me
It’s in my hands
It’s in my body
It should be up to me
It’s hard enough you see
Nobody’s ready for the days like these
Having just played Hangout Festival, Grandson is now overseas continuing his touring. Tour dates can be found at his website.
See Grandson in the 40 Best Hard Rock Songs of 2018