M. Shadows Reveals Best Song for Someone Just Getting Into Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold have a loyal fanbase that have supported them throughout the years, but even now there are still new fans coming into the fold discovering the group for the first time. As part of Revolver's ongoing "Point of Entry" series, frontman M. Shadows revealed the song he feels best serves as an introduction to first-time listeners, and it's one you definitely might expect - "Hail to the King."
The song appeared on the 2013 album of the same name and has become a band staple, hitting Top 10 on the Rock Airplay chart, while even crossing over to crack the Billboard Hot 100 at No. 83 back when it was initially released.
Shadows tells Revolver, "Usually, to get people in the door that are not deep in the scene, I just show them 'Hail to the King.' It's like, they get it. The next time I see them, usually it's in their playlist. It's just one of those things that's easy."
That's not to say that it's his most favorite song, with the rocker sharing that there are songs he's more proud of. However, he does see the value in having a song that so easily connects with listeners.
"If I want to show somebody a song that I'm really proud of, I would start with 'The Stage.' And then, I might show them, like, 'Buried Alive' or 'Exist,'" explains the singer, adding. "But if I'm going to show [my band to] a guy on the golf course or, like, the guy at Ralphs, I just throw him 'Hail to the King.' And it usually does the trick."
Avenged Sevenfold, "Hail to the King"
While "Hail to the King" currently takes the crown as the most connectable song for new Avenged Sevenfold fans per Shadows, there's always the chance they may have to re-evaluate down the road. After taking their time and fine-tuning during the pandemic, Avenged Sevenfold are expected to release a new album later this year. Stay tuned to see what's on the horizon for the group.
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