Nine Inch Nails Make ‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Appearance [Update]
Update: Footage from Sunday's episode featuring Nine Inch Nails has now been posted by the band. Watch it in the player above.
When the massive cast for Twin Peaks: The Return was announced, the amount of musicians included surprised many. As we've seen in recent weeks so far, every episode has had a musical performance, most of the time with the bands playing the Bang Bang Bar in Twin Peaks.
But for Sunday's (June 25) episode, we got the biggest band to appear yet and in a different location. The action started right around the quarter point of the episode with one of the show's central characters meeting a violent yet questionable fate before the scenery changed to a dimly lit bar called the Roadhouse and an emcee announced "The Nine Inch Nails."
The band performed bathed in dark blue and purple hues, breaking out the dark sounding "She's Gone Away" from the Not the Actual Events EP. The highly percussive song found Joey Castillo on drums rather than Ilan Rubin, while Trent Reznor's wife and How to Destroy Angels' bandmate Mariqueen Maandig provided backing vocals.
Reznor looked as sinister as the song sounded, decked out in black leather and sporting sunglasses despite the fact that they were barely visible in the dark club. As the atmospheric heaviness of the song faded away, we learned the fate of the character in peril just prior to the performance.
Reznor has a long history with Lynch, having worked with the director on the soundtrack to his film Lost Highway and scoring a hit with the single “The Perfect Drug.” Reznor was also credited on the songs “Driver Down” and “Videodrones; Questions.” Years later, Lynch returned the favor by directing the Nine Inch Nails video for “Came Back Haunted” in 2013.
If you have Showtime or Hulu, the episodes have been streaming online, and all of the music is expected to eventually surface on a pair of Rhino soundtracks expected in early September. In the interim, you can watch the performance above and if you haven't picked up Not the Actual Events yet but would like to, check here.
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