Police Were Called for ‘Possible Overdose’ in Scott Weiland Death; Bandmates Attend Funeral
As has been reported, a mix of legal and illegal drugs were found on Scott Weiland's tour bus following his passing. The singer was discovered by his personal manager, who went to check on him after receiving an alert from his wife, Jamie. She was unable to get in touch Scott, who was unresponsive when found. The manager called the police, and, in a report obtained by Rolling Stone, the police responded to a "follow-up investigation of a possible overdose."
When authorities searched Weiland's tour bus, they found a wealth of drugs. A substance yielded a positive field test result for cocaine, which was found in the singer's room along with opiates, medication to treat his bipolar and schizophrenic diseases, Viagra, synthetic opiates, sleeping pills and a bag containing a green, leafy substance.
According to the affidavit filed, "Located in the bedroom in plain view was an unknown white substance packaged in baggies. The packaging is common with the way narcotics are packaged."
Funeral services for Weiland were held yesterday (Dec. 10) as the former Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver frontman was laid to rest at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles. The services were attended by his former bandmates as they said their final goodbye to the beloved singer.
Duff McKagan's wife Susan posted a photo on Instagram the day of the funeral with a story describing a couple that she and Duff met. The couple met at a Velvet Revolver show and have been married for five years, to which Susan describes how Scott's music brought people together.
Chris Kushner, wife of Velvet Revolver guitarist Dave Kushner, also posted a photo on her Instagram account, lamenting Weiland's untimely passing and calling him "a good man."
A toxicology report is expected to surface in the next four to eight weeks, which will reveal what was in Weiland's system at the time of death. As of yet, there are no details confirming the singer's exact cause of death.
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