Richard Patrick Discusses New Filter Album ‘Crazy Eyes’
Filter recently unleashed their seventh album, Crazy Eyes, and have embarked on the 'Make America Hate Again' tour. We caught up with frontman Richard Patrick, who talked all about the album.
We first asked Patrick the significance of the album title, and he told us that Crazy Eyes referred to the look seen on several of the mass shooters who have made headlines over the past few years.
Patrick also discussed the intense leadoff track "Mother E" and the single "Take Me to Heaven." We also asked him about the track "Kid Blue From the Short Bus, Drunk Bunk," and whether it had any connection to Filter's first album, Short Bus, and that led him to tell us about the wacky antics of a former bandmate.
Check out our video interview with Richard Patrick above, and pick up the album Crazy Eyes at iTunes. See Filter's full tour itinerary here.
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