Slipknot Member Count Revealed in Press Photo + New Video
It's a new era for Slipknot, with the band unveiling their latest look this morning via a brand new video for "Unsainted" and a press photo. There's more attention than usual given to the status of the band for this cycle since the departure of Chris Fehn, so let's take a closer look at the band's recent visual offerings.
In the band's new press photo (seen above), there are nine members accounted for. Clockwise from the left, Jim Root's appearance remains close to what we've seen in the past, a whitened face with darker accentuated eyes along with his hair swoop and recognizable beard. Meanwhile Corey Taylor has changed his look with a more veiled collar around his mouth and what appears to be a Phantom of the Opera-like clear mask surrounding the top part of his face in the video.
Alessandro "V-Man" Venturella appears to be the next in line, with a darkened, decrepit red-faced look, while Mick Thomson's signature style with the silver mouth guard remains intact. Craig Jones' blackened bondage mask with white spikes appears to have gotten even spikier since its last incarnation.
The next mask is where Fehn would have been located in the photo had he remained. A replacement for the percussionist has not been announced after the band split with the musician over a dispute in the band's accounting earlier this year, so the man behind the mask is a mystery. The crumpled, golden-hued mask does appear to have a significant nose, but not one as lengthy as Fehn's previous look. The percussionist, with the new mask, does appear in the video but is featured only a few times. For now, fans will have to wait to learn the identity of the mystery drum beater.
The front row from right to left finds a silver-faced Shawn "Clown" Crahan with his red nose, drummer Jay Weinberg with a similar but updated mask from his previous look and turntablist Sid Wilson cloaked with a hood, becoming even clearer within the "Unsainted" video.
Toward the end of the "Unsainted" video, Corey Taylor emerges into a courtyard filled with statues of the band members. There are nine accounted for, though he appears to set fire to his own statue within the clip. Watch the video below.
Earlier this year, Corey Taylor revealed that the band had recruited Tom Savini, who had done special effects and makeup for such films as Dawn of the Dead, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, to help create his new mask. The band had previously worked with Screaming Mad George on their masks and it is not known if Savini had a hand in more than just Taylor's mask.
Slipknot, "Unsainted"
The Evolution of Slipknot Masks