Five Finger Death Punch
Since their start in 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada’s Five Finger Death Punch have estab-lished themselves as a major commercial force in American heavy metal, selling well over 2 million albums and filling thousands of seats on tour from coast to coast. Taking their name from vintage martial arts films (and often abbreviating their moniker to 5FDP), vocalist Ivan ‘Ghost’ Moody, guitarist Zoltan Bathory, bassist Matt Snell and drummer Jeremy Spencer released their first album, ‘The Way of the Fist,’ in 2007 — then added lead guitarist Jason Hook (replacing one-time W.A.S.P. member Darrell Roberts) in time for 2009’s sophomore ‘War is the Answer.’ Both albums achieved gold status, with the help of high profile touring jaunts supporting Korn and Disturbed, among others, after which 5FDP graduated to headliner status themselves and released 2011’s third straight gold-seller, ‘American Capitalist,’ introducing new bassist Chris Kael. This same lineup resumed recording activities two years later and delivered, not one, but two new albums just months apart — naming them ‘The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volumes 1 and 2,’ and achieving matching No. 2 standings on the Billboard charts. With no end in sight to their winning streak on U.S. soil, Five Finger Death Punch have recently turned their attention to expanding their fan base worldwide, with ever more ambitious tours taking them to new countries.
- Selected Discography: ‘War is the Answer’ (2009) ‘American Capitalist’ (2011)
- Related Artists: Avenged Sevenfold, All That Remains, W.A.S.P.
- Further Reading: Five Finger Death Punch’s Zoltan Bathory Talks ‘Wrong Side of Heaven’ Video Campaign