Tripp Eisen Claims Static-X Hired Trump’s Law Firm to Steal Songs
The beef between former Static-X guitarist Tripp Eisen and Dope frontman Edsel Dope continues, with Eisen responding after Dope called out the nature of his relationship with Static-X's members and brought up Eisen's past convictions on sex crimes with minors.
To recap, Eisen recently issued a statement detailing his involvement in the writing credits on Static-X's new Project Regeneration, Vol. 1 album and then explaining his involvement in bringing Edsel Dope into the band's reunion, alleging that Dope has been the masked singer for the group on their Wisconsin Death Trip 20th anniversary tour.
While there were rumors of Dope's involvement, the singer later called the supposed photos linking him to the group through a tattoo "clickbait and hilarious." The band has never formally acknowledged who has been singing for them on the tour, preferring to leave the identity of Xer0 a mystery.
After Eisen's release started making the rounds, Dope let Eisen have it with his response, telling the guitarist, "Keep my name out of your talentless mouth." He also called him deplorable for his past sexual offenses against two underage females and claimed that he has not progressed since the acts that landed him behind bars. "You are an antagonist, who paints himself as a victim," stated Dope, also calling him out for trying to attach his name to Static-X, Dope and Murderdolls, all bands Eisen used to play with.
Eisen is actually credited under his abbreviated given name (T. Salvador) in the Project Regeneration, Vol. 1 credits, but his previous statement was meant to further shine a light on just how much involvement he had. That comes after the guitarist's claims last fall that Static-X had violated Wayne Static's memory by tweaking the material for their new album.
Now, after Dope's response made headlines, Eisen has issued another statement calling Dope's comments "disingenuous," stating that he had previously made up with Dope, Tony Campos and Static-X's current lineup. He also disputes Dope's accounts of his relationship with Wayne Static and once again calls out the group over his contributions, claiming that they "hired Donald Trump’s law firm to ensure that you can steal my songs."
Eisen's statement can be read in full below:
Edsel Dope couldn’t refute anything I said. So he resorted to ad hominem attacks on me. It’s actually below him. I know the real Edsel Dope and he’s not a bad person, and he knows me. That’s why this was so egregious, because it’s disingenuous.
Edsel, you don’t think that I’m deplorable. Yes, we had a feud in 2001, but reconciled in 2004 at Dimebag‘s funeral. That was emotional. Then we reconnected in 2008 and were friends up through to last year.
You said I haven’t progressed, but you don’t believe this because we’ve had many heart-to-heart talks; you said you admired my ability to stay positive in the face of bad circumstances, even asking me for advice about this.
And you’ve told me how you’ve personally progressed over the years. We talked about spirituality and the concept of love. Face it, we were bros.
You know how sorry I am for what happened 15 years ago, and I’ve apologized to anyone that I hurt and that was personal, not public. I’ve apologized to Tony Campos for example. You’ve apologized to me and those in the past that you’ve hurt or mistreated, too. Remember that?
You gave your opinion of the events of my offenses from 15 years ago and you cited details that were partial and inaccurate to how things ended up. You know all of it. I took full responsibility and admitted what I did was wrong.
I didn’t target underage girls as I was unaware of the ages of the girls. That is why they were classified statutory offenses. This is not blaming the victim. I do not. I am at fault, and this is me taking full responsibility for doing the wrong thing in relation to the actual events.
You know all of this because we’ve discussed it in detail. I paid a price for it and I accepted it and dealt with it like a man. One time you said to me that you can’t imagine what I went through.
You refer to ICP and Jugalos because there is someone they are focusing on that wasn’t held accountable. I was held accountable. I support the notion of accountability that they advocate, so I am down the Clowns, too. I advocate for responsibility for all artists and bands regarding this topic!
I have the courage to put myself out there and create new music; and I know I will be judged. And you did judge me; that’s why you said once that I deserve the chance for redemption and return to music.
It’s been 15 years and I don’t want this to define me. There are many people that know me and have worked with me throughout recent years; and you’re one of them. I stayed at your house, we ate together, went shopping and worked on songs.
Listen, I appreciate working with you in Dope and all that it did for my career. I helped you write one of Dope‘s most memorable songs ‘Die MF Die‘ and I found you your most notable members: Acey Slade, Virus, Preston Nash.
We have a lot of good memories, too. Also, remember you invited me to join Dope in 2012-2013 and I have the letters you wrote back then regarding this to prove it. You even offered me to be your financial partner in the band at that time.
And, of course, I got you into this new version of Static-X. We’re connected, so why not embrace it? Instead you bash me. That’s the thanks I get, bro.
You have said that I’m trying to attach my name to Static-X. I did a lot with Static-X, wrote the #2 biggest single, ‘The Only‘ and now my songs are relevant in 2020. You attached yourself to ME because I was friends with Tony Campos who is the creative heir to Static-X. That’s why you’re in this position, wearing a mask.
I reconciled with Tony Campos and with Ken Jay, and I would have reconciled with Wayne Static had he survived his drug addiction. You had a discussion with Wayne in 2014 on a short 2-week tour. Did you tell him that you and Tripp were friends now?
It was 2014 that you talked to Wayne at a point when he was suffering from addiction and he hated every former member of Static-X. So your story means nothing. Wanting credit for my part in Static-X and successful songs is not being an antagonist; but I will admit that I am kind of a victim….. of songwriting theft.
Not just mine, but Wayne‘s. You guys had no reason to change Wayne‘s music while saying you’re honoring the last pieces of art that he created. That is vandalism. You guys hired Donald Trump’s law firm to ensure that you can steal my songs. That says a lot.
I love playing music and I will continue to promote my band and am grateful for whatever level of success it brings. Why put me down? Everyone uses past associations to promote current projects. That is the nature of all in the Entertainment Business.
I know you know all these events that I chronicled, but maybe other people need to know how you really feel. Why are we even at this point? – it’s about the music, man.
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