Brendon Small’s ‘Galaktikon’ Album Streaming
If you want to go for a test drive, so to speak, and listen to Galaktikon, the side project of Brendon Small, the group's self-titled debut is currently streaming for your listening enjoyment.
It's the quintessential "try before you buy" situation, as the album drops on April 29. You can absorb each song and decide if you dig it enough to nab it. Small, if the name is not immediately familiar to you, is the mastermind behind Adult Swim's 'Metalocalypse' and its featured band Dethklok.
Galaktikon is certainly a different animal for Small, but it's still quality hard rock. Whereas Dethklok are extreme overlords (and animated, to boot), Galaktikon, which doesn't have the benefit of animation or television behind it, takes influence from bands like Foo Fighters. Metal legend Gene Hoaglan is smashing the skins for Galaktikon, too.
Go here to listen to the stream.