Crown the Empire guitarist Brandon Hoover and the band have both issued public statements after Hoover's ex-girlfriend Heidi Ferguson has made domestic abuse claims against the musician via social media.

After Ferguson started making the claims publicly, a cease and desist was sent last August to deter her from making additional public statements, but she has continued to share her claims leading to the statements issued Friday (Feb. 10) by the band and Hoover.

The band writes:

We are aware of the claims made towards Brandon. We want to make it clear; we firmly dispute these allegation. We condemn any form of abuse, including the type mentioned by the accuser.

In light of the serious nature of these allegations, we have been working dilligently behind the scenes to address them in a professional and private manner.

Here are some actions we have taken:

* We hired an attorney to handle communication between the band and the accuser

* An investigation was conducted which proved beyond a doubt that the allegations were false.

* Based on the conclusions of the investigation, our attorney sent a Cease & Desist notice to the accuser.

Our initial intention was to handle these false allegations discreetly and directly. However, despite our best efforts, the accuser has ignored the Cease & Desist and continues to spread misinformation. Regrettably, this situation has escalated, and we feel compelled to address it publicly.

We apologize for any confusion or concern caused by our silence, and we appreciate the support of our fans. Our goal is to provide clarity and put this matter to rest.

- Crown the Empire

Hoover himself also issued a statement concerning the allegations against him. It reads as follows:

To my friends and supporters,

This won't be easy for me; however, I feel it is now an appropriate time for me to speak the truth on the allegations made by my former girlfriend that have been circulating.

As some of you may be aware, she has been making claims about me for some time now. The escalation of these allegations has not only affected me, but my loved ones.

I want you to know, I wholeheartedly deny any and all allegations and accusations of abuse that have been made against me by this individual.

After months of her continuously pushing this false narrative, I sought legal assistance to try and bring a stop to the lies. Ultimately, a cease and desist was issued, but she has since ignored it and has continued to post lies about me almost daily for just shy of a year.

Abuse is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. Anyone who has abused someone needs to be held accountable, but it is traumatizing for anyone to be falsely accused of something they categorically did not do. Every accusation this person has made against me can be debunked and proven false in a court of law.

It breaks my heart to see fans I have loved for years view me differently based on a complete fabrication. I am not an aggressive person; anyone who's ever met me can attest to that.

I apologize to anyone who may be confused as to why you did not hear from me sooner. I was unsure how to handle this situation, as I have never found myself in a position like this before. I am not perfect, and our relationship wasn't either, but I am not the person she has portrayed me to be.

I love you guys and hope you will take my words to heart.

Meanwhile, Hoover's ex-girlfriend, Heidi Ferguson, has tweeted her response after both public statements were issued by the band and Hoover.

"The heavy implication they try to make in their statements that he was found innocent by any kind of legal authority is mind boggling. Nothing has gone to court, I have not had contact with the band or their lawyers. Absolutely nothing has been ruled in his favor," she explains. She then elaborated on the communication between her and the band since the allegations were initially made. "The only contact that was ever made from the band or any lawyers was one 'cease and desist' they sent me in August, which was an entire document [dedicated] to trying to bully me into silence by calling me names and accusing me of being an attention seeking slut. We never spoke."

She went on to add, "No investigation was conducted. I have had no contact with them except a one sided legal intimidation letter from their lawyer. Nothing has been debunked or taken to court, and if it went to court I guarantee they would lose if I could afford an attorney, which they know I can’t."

As for the police involvement in the situation, Ferguson shares that she did file a police report and claims that the cops did not investigate and her attempts to follow up with the police were ignored.

Ferguson also spoke on Twitter about the wealth of comments coming her way since the band and Hoover released their statements and added that she's in the process of trying to gather all her information in one place for those who wish to see exactly what her allegations are and what proof she has.

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