When Donald Trump was beginning his campaign, Twisted Sister vocalist Dee Snider gave the presidential candidate his blessing to use "We're Not Gonna Take It" as one of Trump's campaign songs. However, as Trump's views have become more extreme and controversial, Snider is now reconsidering his decision.

Snider was on 'Celebrity Apprentice' in 2013, and considers Trump to be a friend of his. Though he's never supported Trump's bid to become president, the Twisted Sister legend admired Donald's penchant for stirring the pot. “Donald Trump is a good friend and a great guy, and I support him turning the political system on its head,” Snider said back in August. “The song ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ is a song about rebellion, and there’s nothing more rebellious than what Donald Trump is doing right now."

In a new interview with CBC radio, Snider shared an updated opinion on Trump using Twisted Sister's iconic rebellion anthem in his campaign. "What's going on now really has me questioning allowing the song to continue to be used, and it's very upsetting to me, 'cause I strongly don't agree with his extremist positions," says Snider. "And it's not so much… I know the man's not a racist — he's a friend of mine — but when you've got white supremacy groups aligning themselves with you and you don't denounce them…? You don't say, 'Wait a minute. I'm proposing this, but I'm not with these people here,' and draw some clarity. That's a problem for me. And I'm really sort of coming to the end of my road here with this."

Snider continues, "I have to call Donald. I have to speak to him, as a friend. He was respectful enough to call me and say, 'How do you feel about me using this?' And I've gotta be — as a friend — respectful enough to call him and say, 'Listen, man, this has gotten wildly out of control, and I really have a problem with it.' As so many people have… His own party are… people are just distancing themselves. It's really gotten ugly."

Trump hit a new level of controversy recently with a policy to ban all Muslims from entering the United States until a worthwhile terror plan was instituted.

See the Yearbook Photos of Dee Snider + Other Rockers

Watch Twisted Sister + More in this 8-Bit 'Monsters of Rock' Video Game

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