It's one thing if you scored one of Korn bassist Fieldy's guitar picks, but what about one of his paintings? Fieldy is selling 10 of his paintings that he created over the past year in an auction on Ebay. He posted a video on his Facebook with a statement explaining why he has decided to share his art with the world.

Hey wha’s up, this is Fieldy from Korn.
From February 2018-February 2019, during a difficult time in my life, I unexpectedly began a journey of mixed media painting on canvass, the result are these 10 characters I created that I call “Izms”
Without any real knowledge of what I was doing, I just dove in and found a place of creative peace.
Now I’m excited to share “Izms” with you.

You can click each link to bid on individual prints
Thank you

In the video, he explains several of the different substances and mediums he used to create the paint, like slime and Elmer's glue. This process is called mixed-media. Each print will be signed and are priced from $250 to $800. All 10 can be found here. Watch the video and view the images below to see what some of the "Izms" look like.

Facebook - Fieldy
Facebook - Fieldy
Facebook - Fieldy
Facebook - Fieldy
Facebook - Fieldy
Facebook - Fieldy

Korn were recently announced as the new headliner at this year's Rocklahoma festival in place of Ozzy Osbourne, closing out the second day on May 25. Osbourne had to postpone all of his 2019 shows due to a fall that aggravated some serious injuries he endured from his 2003 ATV accident.

Korn are also on our radar for a new album this year.

See Fieldy in the Top 66 Hard Rock + Metal Bassists of All Time

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