Metal Blade Artists Are Going to Play ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Live on Twitch
Gather 'round the table(top) and prepare for 'The Malevolent Heart of the Goddess,' a live Dungeons & Dragons campaign on Twitch featuring musicians from four bands on the Metal Blade roster.
Whether you're a complete novice looking to dip your toes in the waters of adventure-based, role-playing tabletop games (let's face it — quarantine hasn't left any of us with many other options at this point) or you're a total D&D obsessive who has a group that meets at the same time every week to escape to a world inhabited by orcs, elves and various halflings, there should be enough Twitch entertainment for everyone.
Members of Allegaeon, Cult of Lilith, Capra and Kardashev have already established their roles for the campaign, which can be seen below.
If you made it here and genuinely have no idea what Dungeons & Dragons is about beyond the little you learned from watching Netflix's Stranger Things, you can check out a video toward the bottom of the page that lays out the game's aim in plain, easy-to-understand terms. We are far from experts, so an explanation from us would only further confuse you, but we can assure you that 20-sided dice and your imagination is nothing to be afraid of.
Watch the campaign live on Metal Blade's Twitch channel here. It all starts at 3PM ET / 12 PM PT / 9PM CET on Feb. 12.
Dungeons & Dragons Twitch Participants
— Crow Lotus (Capra) as Shira the Half-Orc Barbarian
— Mark Garrett (Kardashev) as Qesh the Dragonborn Fighter
— Mario Infantes (Cult of Lilith) as Osborn Bertin the Halfling Cleric
— Nico M. (Kardashev) as Sitari Myrsol the Dragonborn Warlock
— Riley McShane (Allegaeon) as Xanelor the Half-Elf Rogue
— Gisli Didriksen as the Dungeon Master
Dungeons & Dragons Explained
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