Smashing Pumpkins Share ‘Oceania’ Cover + Track Listing
Smashing Pumpkins will issue 'Oceania,' their seventh studio album, on June 19. It exists as part of the band's ambitious, 44-song 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope' project, which is released in song-by-song format and has been since 2009. Yet 'Oceania' still stands apart as a separate piece.
The Pumpkins, especially enterprising braintrust Billy Corgan, who has been working on launching a tea house in his native Chicago as well as a wrestling promotion, have always done things their way and usually in unconventional fashion. 'Oceania'-as-part-of-'Teargarden' is evidence of that fact.
In addition to sharing the striking, blue-toned cover with Rolling Stone, the track listing has also been made available. It's 13 songs, plenty of which have artsy and intriguing titles.
'Oceania' Track Listing'
'The Celestials'
'Violet Rays'
'My Love Is Winter'
'One Diamond, One Heart'
'Pale Horse'
'The Chimera'